pISSN: 1598-3293

영어영문학연구, Vol.58 no.3 (2016)

홀로코스트 문학 수업의 교육적 가치 : 엘리 위젤의 『밤』을 중심으로



During World War II, the Nazis massacred six million Jews. Unlike other literature, Holocaust literature aims to testify the horror and atrocity of the Nazis, presenting the unimaginable events to its readers. As a result, Holocaust literature gives readers the valuable lesson that racial hatred possibly leads to horrible massacre even today. Because of this educational outcome Holocaust literature has been taught as a part of curriculum in some high schools and universities in America. In this paper, I explore Elie Wiesel’s autobiographical novel, Night and demonstrate that teaching Holocaust literature can bring out some valuable lessons. To be more specific, I analyze how Wiesel presents the process of losing his faith in God and his concerns about his degraded filial duty in the inhumane concentration camp. Despite the fact that Wiesel was very religious in the past, he loses his faith in God when he encounters the atrocity of the Nazis in Auschwitz. In addition, though he loves his father, the horrible conditions in the camp weakens his filial duty. Nevertheless, he does not leave his dying father and shows feeling of guilt for neglecting his filial duty, which demonstrates that Wiesel does not lose his humanity in spite of the horror and cruelty of Auschwitz.
  홀로코스트 문학,엘리 위젤,『밤』,도덕성,인간성

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