pISSN: 1598-3293

영어영문학연구, Vol.58 no.4 (2016)

상상적 판타지를 통해본 아동의 사회불안심리 — 앤서니 브라운의 『어떡하지?』



In What If, the hero, Joe suffers from his social anxiety because he does not have enough societal skills with his peers. So, when he anticipates any dreadful situations in group parties with his friends, his mind gets overwhelmed with unrealistic fears. Joe’s social anxiety is caused by his Imaginary fantasy, as soon as his dreadful emotion suddenly erupts to his mind. His emotional turbulences are projected as uncanny images to the window glasses of the houses he visits. The window glass can be regarded as a kind of a movie screen on which his Imaginary fantasy is visualized. Between the inner mind and the external world, there exists the Imaginary domain to which Joe’s social anxiety is projected as an Imaginary fantasy. His social anxiety breaks out like as impulsive eruptions driven out by the imminent danger Joe feels. His anxiety occurs reactively by the emotional force of his inner images existing like a libido fixation or cathexis in the psyche. This psychic mechanism works as the fundamental cause of his social anxiety. Joe’s Imaginary anxiety can be overcome by teaching him various social skills in terms of how to make friendship.
  『어떡하지』,사회불안심리,상상적 판타지,리비도 고착과 집중,사회적 기술

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