pISSN: 1598-3293

영어영문학연구, Vol.60 no.4 (2018)

DOI : 10.18853/jjell.2018.60.4.005

엘리자베스 비숍 시에 나타난 물의 이미지와 상상력


(신라대학교, 교수)

Throughout her entire life, Elizabeth Bishop constantly reveals her preferences for writing poems full of images and motifs of water. Bishop’s poems often suggest elusive meanings like the dual properties of water which shows the difference between the surface and depth at the same time. Particularly, it is worthwhile to note Bishop’s third book of poems entitled Questions of Travel. This book includes a number of poems about recognizable water images from Nova Scotia to Brazil where the poet spent precious periods in her life. Images of water in a lot of her poems set in North America are described as dry and barren landscapes due to her sense of homelessness derived from the loss of her parents in her early childhood. This is best exemplified in her expression of “the water doesn’t wet anything.” However, it is important that Bishop’s maternal desire is latent under the surface of her poems on the loss of maternity. Her maternal imagination linked to the water images is most manifested in her poems on the “Brazil” section of Questions of Travel. Moreover, a series of poems with images of water devoid of fluidity and maternity set in Nova Scotia allude to Bishop’s latent maternity. Bishop’s water images lurking in maternal desire act as a source to dissolve the dichotomous thinking originated from Western Chauvinism.
  브라질,엘리자베스 비숍,고향,풍경,모성성,노바스코샤,물

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